Monday, May 20, 2013

Why Love Work Doesn't Always Work

When it comes to Love Mojo eyes and ears tune in closely, so why I don't write that often about love work is well beyond wonderment, really... I suppose the reason why is two fold A: Although I perform a lot of love work for clients, it is not really my favorite "work" to do and B: It is the one spiritual practice that generates so much of a hot debate between spiritual folks and spiritual workers that I really do not like to feed further debates on it as I have a truly mixed approach to "Love Work" as an individual.
My first approach is with natural caution to this type of work when someone first approaches me with a Love issue that they need fixed. As any one of my personal friends or family will tell you it is no surprise that I do proceed with caution in this area, for what I think are only natural reasons, but for so many others who are the hopeless romantics that throw caution to the wind, would think I was down right skiddish of love or unsympathetic to love issues. Lol. Yes, I am naturally a guarded person personally, and I am a thinker before a feeler (and from a woman's stand point is rare, it confuses my husband too, lol), and this is probably why I have such wonderful responses from clients in this area, as I am like their rational thinking, opened eyes, while they seem to be floating in the clouds under Cupid's love struck emotional sappy and sometimes teary eyed silliness. Man what people do for love sometimes... Lol. I have compassion for my clients, but I also keep level headed and practical when it comes to this type of work. What seems as a dire need to fix an issue isn't always worth the attention, and getting to the root of the issue is more important than many of the secondary issues and details that clients worry about.
I spend 1/3 of the time with many clients coaching on finding self love and fulfillment, changing destructive behaviors that damaged the relationship and/or their self worth, confidence, and pride. Every case seems to vary slightly but one thing they all deeply have in common is the need to be loved.
Everyone is looking for that one special person to last a lifetime. In this day in age, that is pretty damn difficult, and I see it everywhere I go. I believe that the problem with why more people are not finding that one perfect love is because most people have a warped sense of what a relationship is and what it requires. How many of us grew up with model parents who stayed together till the end? The media and T.V. dramas teach our youth about every possible situation that could go wrong when two loves come together and how they can ruin a potentially perfect love. How we solve problems and conflicts with others is also being corrupted. Look around you and notice how many have been taught to run, fight, abuse, obsess, manipulate, lie, and cheat to get through life. Some people are so desperate for love that they will settle into what they believe is an ideal love affair only to be sadly disappointed that their ideal love came with extras they can't wash away. Then you have those that will try to change their mates to fit their own idea of the fairy tale. All spells disaster waiting to happen.
When it comes to love work, it is a challenging task, as you are not only working the energy present with one client but technically two targets which is more work to evaluate and maintain. When it comes to love work that fails, in my experience there are a few reasons why it doesn't work, the first being that the individuals were not meant to be together, their spirits are not compatible. The second reason is because of the mentioned issues above, thought processes on how you interact in a relationship as part of the whole unit is corrupted, behaviors such as obsession, possessiveness, neurotic emotions, trust issues, boundary settings and boundary invasions, etc. have not been worked on by the individual and these same behaviors are what got us in trouble to begin with.
The successful love cases I have had are the ones in which the individuals have learned from their mistakes, are selfless, and have corrected any wrong behaviors on their part that contributed to the love issue.
Time frames are affected by these factors. Love work can be short lived after a slow or fast on coming of the energies, or it can be long lasting after a slow or fast on coming of the energies. Root workers can not tell you which to expect, although sometimes we have a pretty good idea which direction it will take if we use our practical intelligence, read the cards, or use some other form of intuitive reading.
So, the first thing that I always do, is take notes of the situation and background like any other case, try to get a clear picture from the clients point of view of when and what contributed to things going wrong and then proceed with a tarot card reading. The cards can give me a general idea if love work is going to be successful. Most of the time, the cards give me the insight I need to inform the client of the success rate. I am the type of worker that will let you know if it is a straight out NO WAY, ain't gonna happen too. And then sometimes, I take a case that takes months to complete and lots and lots of coaching on hopes that the client gets to a peaceful balance in their life and happy with the choices they make in the future. I surely turn away several cases every month that I personally am not willing to work with for personal reasons that I discuss on my website, that I can clearly see with my eyes wide open will never be successful. Lol.
But the road keeps on twisting and turning in life, and I believe everyone can find true love. If I can help someone get there if not a step closer to achieving it I will give it my best shot. I do believe that when we are clean and pure we are more open to receiving Spirits guiding messages that lead us to our hearts desires. And I firmly believe that self love is the most important love in the world. When you have self love, respect, and balanced spirit, we can have better judgement on who we choose as a mate, better in tuned to our right path to find them, and keep them when we do find them.
So, if you have a case in which love work isn't working for you, what do you do?
Cleanse, Balance, Redirect your energy to healing the negative qualities that affect your relationship status.

Develop a routine of cleansing the spirit.
Use love and healing herbs on the self to promote heart healing, and embracing self love.
Work this into a life changing habit and regular maintenance work as needed.
Work on healing past traumas, pains, etc. that block up your path to finding and keeping a mate.