Saturday, May 18, 2013

When to work Conjure Magick or let the Universe sort it out.

When someone first comes to me about root work or working a spell for their situation it always leads to the question "Will spell work help me?" or "What spell can I do to help my situation?" If you are a spiritual worker for others you know what I mean. ;) So, how do you know and how do you answer the question for them? Well, there is natural protocol first as a professional and ethical worker which involves listening to their background information, and taking notes of everything they have put effort into doing before seeking your help. Have they performed spell work previously on the situation and what practical solutions have they come up with and put into motion about the situation. The later to me is the foundation of working the mojo on the situation and whether or not the spell can bear fruit. Here's an example. I had a girl come to me one time, in fact this happens frequently with love work, who am I kidding, we are creatures of predictability sometimes when it comes to love... girls, you know I am right. Anyway, she writes me a letter explaining to me that her boyfriend (whom she wasn't even sure WAS indeed her boyfriend after all), had stopped talking to her out of the blue one day and it had been a week since she had heard from him which was to her abnormal and quite worrisome since for the past few months they had nearly talked daily and got along just fine, no arguments, no fuss. She asked me point blank "What spell can I do to bring him closer to me, to want to talk to me more, and think about me all the time so he will not want to be with any other girl?" Well, Ok naturally my first thought is "No fighting, no fussing, no warning, and it's only been a week". Hmmm, has she tried to contact him first instead of waiting for him to call her? Is this chicky being slightly panicky for no reason? Is she being just a little neurotic? So, my reply to her was "let's look at the obvious, on a mundane level. Have you tried contacting him?" In which she replies, "no, he usually always texts first, and I know he's not busy because I see him post a few times on facebook." So, my next reply is, "Ok, let's not be foolish, overreact, and play who's going to make the first move here. Don't get yourself in a loop of mania and obsessive behavior either, the checking up on someone posting to facebook and using this as an indicator that he might be ignoring you (which you haven't reached out yet) is beyond the level of silly games. So, contact him, try interacting and making the first move to feel him out." Sure enough, everything was fine, and she wrote to say "Thank You, I was overreacting."
Simple solutions to simple problems. Evaluate all possible sides and measure the severity of the situation. If there are really no signs of trouble at all, then most likely no conjuring needed. If you have a situation, any situation at all, first examine what you have tried on a practical level to solve your issue. What energy have you put into helping yourself?
Then you have situations that folks have no idea how to help themselves anymore; they are overwhelmed in the world, have a lot on their plate and need that extra boost in life. Keep it simple, start with basic cleansing, balancing, healing, and/or protection. As I have said before many times simple cleansing work becoming a part of your daily life can make all the difference to settle down high influences and energies present. Conjure doesn't need to be complicated, if the situation isn't out of hand. Catch it before it becomes unmanageable, don't procrastinate to see how far it will go. You might be tempting fate. Lol. Here's how I try to break it down for folks on when to work Conjure.
*Evaluate the time frame, the details, and what practical solutions have you tried.
*Get a tarot reading if you need to.
*Meditate on the answers above.
*If conjure is a possibility in your future, decide if you are dedicated to a plan of action no matter how long it will take to cure the situation.
*Keep up any practical solutions to the problem, magick is the aid to the practical solutions.
*Practical solutions can be things such as working through emotional and mental blocks with therapy, guidance, or meditation. Changing reckless behavior, changing attitudes, changing negative, obsessive thoughts and actions. Give trust to the one you love or learn to trust!
*Remember that magick will not change every detail of your desires, be flexible, trust that the spirits and universe is going to take care of your needs (not necessarily your wants). Shoot for that matter learn to distinguish between needs and wants!
*Remember that magick is an aide to the practical levels of the Universe just as much as the Spiritual levels. Some things are just out of our hands no matter if we "want" them or not.
*Magick is not a quick fix, and won't fix everything!