Which is the best product to buy?
I get this question frequently especially from newcomers. Here’s my
thought on this question and what I try to express to my clients. It’s
not about which kind of work, ritual baths, candle magick, or a mojo bag
is the strongest or quickest. I feel that all good spell work begins
with the worker and his or her confidence and natural gifts. For
instance, for me when I do my own personal work I always begin with a
good ritual bath. I enjoy baths because they are calming, relaxing,
refreshing, and all that girly stuff you think of when it comes to
baths. The second reason I enjoy ritual baths is because I feel water is
a great receptor for energy work. It’s also hydrating and penetrating.
Of course, I enjoy spell casting as well, it’s a natural gift for me,
but even before spell casting begins, I ritually bathe! So, what might
come natural to one might not to another. If you aren’t the casting type
and are not comfortable, don’t force yourself, doubt can be harmful to
your work! Now the second condition on which to buy is how much time do
you have to spend doing the work. Spells take time from an hour to days
spent on the spell. Yet another condition is how serious is the work or
how in depth is the situation? When working a serious hardcore
situation, multiple products might be useful. Beginning with ritual
bathing for cleansing and protection, to casting your spell, and then
wrapping it up with a Novena Candle burning as a back up. Experience
plays a role in making these decisions too, but without confidence and
without experience you will have doubt and no focus therefore your work
might not be as successful. How much effort and dedication do you have
to the work? If it’s not much, then OK, buy a candle and see what
happens, or lay down some powders to see what effects take place. These
really are not my decisions to make because I can not FORCE you to work a
spell or a bath if your heart isn’t 100% into the work. We would be
wasting our time. The best thing to do is be honest with yourself; are
you serious about the work, do you have the time to do the work, is your
heart completely into the work, and how complicated is your situation?
Only you can answer those questions. Once you know those, you should be
pretty sure of which products are best for you to use. It could be one
or it could be 4, you could start off by doing simple work, but then
need to follow up with the work later as needed. That’s why you must be
sure you are dedicated to complete it, as such, new issues could arise in a
situation that weren’t clearer before you even started. It’s not always
the case but I have seen it happen. I can’t say it enough, confidence.