So, I got to thinking recently about serious magickal work on one’s
life path and how this is carried out in each individuals life. When we
say magickal work what exactly does this mean? Does it mean that you are
casting spells? Does it mean that when a situation arises and you
desire a specific outcome you work magick to resolve it? Or does it mean
that every act that you do is meaningful and calculated in order to
live a purposeful life? I think that there is definitely people who only
work magick for a specific result in times of need or desire. Do I work
this way? No but yes. What I mean is that No, I am not doing spell
casting for every situation that arises in my life. In fact, over the
years I have done several rituals that are required to move into the
next phase of a particular situation. Everyone has rituals, whether or
not you are a magician, a witch, a catholic, protestant, etc. All a
ritual is IS set, setting, tools, and FOCUS of energy. That’s it. Rising
at 5AM, showering, brushing your teeth, etc. is a ritual we perform
without noticing that the prime focus is starting the day fresh for work
or school. Christian religions have rituals for celebrating Mass and
holidays, etc. Tools in a ritual are symbolic of the elements required
in the universe to accomplish the goal. Or what a Thelemite would say,
to accomplish the True Will. What is true will? Is it “do what ever you
want”? No, absolutely not. Non believers would say yes. Want is a
desire. Will is purpose. Will is what life is all about. Wants and
desires are dangerous and can lead you away from your true purpose in
life. What is your true purpose in life? Sometimes it takes years and
years to know this answer. Only you know it deep down inside, no one can
tell you what your purpose is. Wants and desires are ruled by the lower
animal instincts. When we balance our chakra energy centers, these
wants and desires become tamed. To desire something is to lust a result.
When lusting a result, focus is taken away from the necessary steps
required to achieve the result. Once this happens, steps are missed,
mistakes can be made on the path to achievement. Not all desires are
bad, a person needs a little fun of course. But having knowledge and
understanding of consequences of acting on that desire is a necessity if
you are going to give into temptation. Will this temptation lead you
away from the original path? Over indulgence, yes I believe will. And
you soon lose purpose. Now, I know from my experience in life that my
every action has been calculated and every step I have taken in my life I
have treasured, the good and the bad because where I am today and have
been has been an absolute blessing. I have met some of the most
beautiful souls, and a few ugly ones, and have an extended family that
reaches across the country and shoot the world for that matter! My life
and magickal life is no secret to any of my family and friends.
Living a magickal life, is not only for Occultist as some might believe. I know people who live a magickal life without any knowledge at all of spirituality, gnosticism, occult, or whatever. All magick is is a method of living where knowing A + B = C. Definition given by Crowley is the “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”, including both “mundane” acts of will as well as ritual magick”. If you open your mind and contemplate this for a minute you will realize that the above example that I mentioned above (getting ready for school or work) is that mundane act. Looking at why we must work or go to school, is yet another magickal act in order to fulfill the purpose. Crowley also goes on to state “Any required change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner, through the proper medium to the proper object.” AND “Every intentional (Willed) act is a Magickal act. Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one’s conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action.”
Now understanding this meaning of magick, one will realize why is that I can call myself a Thelemite and Vodou. You see, Thelema is not a religion. It’s the name put to living in accordance to a balanced state of body and soul. Vodou however is a religion. One that believes in God. It’s practice is different as each religion’s practice is different, even protestants verse catholics. Beliefs are all the same though. But why do we have religion in the first place? Or actually, why do we have believers? EVERYONE is searching for purpose and will. So does a Christian live a magickal life? Yes. The purpose of a Christian’s life might be different from a Thelemite’s life, but it’s purpose, it’s will. It’s the will of a Christian to live a life for God and the Lord. I know plenty of Christians, who find God, but also find their true self. It’s the will of a Thelemite to unite with God and the true self. Everyone and every religion views God as something different. It’s all the same. We live searching for meaning and purpose from early childhood testing our boundaries and our parents to the time we rest waiting for Death to come. We spend a lifetime soul searching. Does will change? No, does the path to the self change? No, I don’t think it does. There’s only one path to Death and that’s Life. The tools change, the methods change, but the path doesn’t. Now, is walking this path easy? No way. Who wants to give up desires and wants? Lol. It’s my desire to take more vacations! But, unfortunately, I sacrifice those desires because it’s not in my will. Can I change my will? Nope. You’re here for a reason. How many times has the universe or God smacked you on the butt, and it just seems like nothing is going right for you in life? Well, take a look around you and your life you are living? Are you on the right path? Many times it’s because you are throwing away what you should be saving, or you are giving into desires and sacrificing the necessities. Many live life empty, not knowing what their goals are, where they are going in life. Many live on the edge of life, missing all the opportunities to save for the future. I love the beach, it’s a place to go and see nothing but the water. The water has nothing but time to just be what it is. It’s quiet, it’s serene, everything slows down and you have time to think about your life and what you need to do with it in order to be on the right path. When you are on the right path, the universe or God works in your favor! When you aren’t on the right path, you feel unlucky, you feel that God has abandoned you, you contemplate what you have done to deserve this hell! Lol. Life is easier in my opinion when you are on the right path! I enjoy learning, gaining knowledge, and experience from living my life. I meet so many unique people to share real experiences with. I prefer to surround myself with intelligent, enlightened people. None of this inside the box, suffocating. My son asked me, Mom, why do you have to make friends everywhere you go? Lol. I said, well, you get to learn a little about what others see, feel, and have to offer! Everyone can be a teacher or guiding soul! Even my 14 year old is for me! Yes, consciousness and awareness is the aim of magick! Not to control the universe (control your own that is), but to utilize her resources and become in tune with the universe. “Success is your proof”.
To judge another by their beliefs or by the way they live their life only shows ignorance, small mindedness, and lack of true understanding of unity with the universe as a whole being. You never will know a person’s relationship to God or anyone else for that matter. What’s in someones heart is what counts. If you don’t open your own heart or mind, you will never see the reality of one’s life or soul! Fear is stifling, you can’t grow. I believe the elders become the old and wise, by living with an open mind and heart. They don’t limit themselves to only one understanding. They see and realize and accept that it takes ALL kinds of lifestyles, beliefs, and individuals to make up the universe. We are taught young that everyone has different feelings and personalities, looks, etc. When did adults become so shut off to experiencing real life and real people instead of robots?
Living a magickal life, is not only for Occultist as some might believe. I know people who live a magickal life without any knowledge at all of spirituality, gnosticism, occult, or whatever. All magick is is a method of living where knowing A + B = C. Definition given by Crowley is the “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”, including both “mundane” acts of will as well as ritual magick”. If you open your mind and contemplate this for a minute you will realize that the above example that I mentioned above (getting ready for school or work) is that mundane act. Looking at why we must work or go to school, is yet another magickal act in order to fulfill the purpose. Crowley also goes on to state “Any required change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner, through the proper medium to the proper object.” AND “Every intentional (Willed) act is a Magickal act. Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one’s conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action.”
Now understanding this meaning of magick, one will realize why is that I can call myself a Thelemite and Vodou. You see, Thelema is not a religion. It’s the name put to living in accordance to a balanced state of body and soul. Vodou however is a religion. One that believes in God. It’s practice is different as each religion’s practice is different, even protestants verse catholics. Beliefs are all the same though. But why do we have religion in the first place? Or actually, why do we have believers? EVERYONE is searching for purpose and will. So does a Christian live a magickal life? Yes. The purpose of a Christian’s life might be different from a Thelemite’s life, but it’s purpose, it’s will. It’s the will of a Christian to live a life for God and the Lord. I know plenty of Christians, who find God, but also find their true self. It’s the will of a Thelemite to unite with God and the true self. Everyone and every religion views God as something different. It’s all the same. We live searching for meaning and purpose from early childhood testing our boundaries and our parents to the time we rest waiting for Death to come. We spend a lifetime soul searching. Does will change? No, does the path to the self change? No, I don’t think it does. There’s only one path to Death and that’s Life. The tools change, the methods change, but the path doesn’t. Now, is walking this path easy? No way. Who wants to give up desires and wants? Lol. It’s my desire to take more vacations! But, unfortunately, I sacrifice those desires because it’s not in my will. Can I change my will? Nope. You’re here for a reason. How many times has the universe or God smacked you on the butt, and it just seems like nothing is going right for you in life? Well, take a look around you and your life you are living? Are you on the right path? Many times it’s because you are throwing away what you should be saving, or you are giving into desires and sacrificing the necessities. Many live life empty, not knowing what their goals are, where they are going in life. Many live on the edge of life, missing all the opportunities to save for the future. I love the beach, it’s a place to go and see nothing but the water. The water has nothing but time to just be what it is. It’s quiet, it’s serene, everything slows down and you have time to think about your life and what you need to do with it in order to be on the right path. When you are on the right path, the universe or God works in your favor! When you aren’t on the right path, you feel unlucky, you feel that God has abandoned you, you contemplate what you have done to deserve this hell! Lol. Life is easier in my opinion when you are on the right path! I enjoy learning, gaining knowledge, and experience from living my life. I meet so many unique people to share real experiences with. I prefer to surround myself with intelligent, enlightened people. None of this inside the box, suffocating. My son asked me, Mom, why do you have to make friends everywhere you go? Lol. I said, well, you get to learn a little about what others see, feel, and have to offer! Everyone can be a teacher or guiding soul! Even my 14 year old is for me! Yes, consciousness and awareness is the aim of magick! Not to control the universe (control your own that is), but to utilize her resources and become in tune with the universe. “Success is your proof”.
To judge another by their beliefs or by the way they live their life only shows ignorance, small mindedness, and lack of true understanding of unity with the universe as a whole being. You never will know a person’s relationship to God or anyone else for that matter. What’s in someones heart is what counts. If you don’t open your own heart or mind, you will never see the reality of one’s life or soul! Fear is stifling, you can’t grow. I believe the elders become the old and wise, by living with an open mind and heart. They don’t limit themselves to only one understanding. They see and realize and accept that it takes ALL kinds of lifestyles, beliefs, and individuals to make up the universe. We are taught young that everyone has different feelings and personalities, looks, etc. When did adults become so shut off to experiencing real life and real people instead of robots?