Saturday, July 28, 2012

Removing a Curse or the Evil Eye

Removing curses, a crossed up condition, a hex, a jinx, bad juju, or evil eye is something that needs to be approached very carefully. Many times, clients come to me with an issue that they believe they have been cursed or crossed. They have stories about a neighbor who is just evil to them, believing they have laid tricks for them to walk through. Some are sent food, clothing, and letters dressed with powders or spirits with malicious intent. Not always is someone actually sent malicious magick their way, and many workers refuse these cases for good reasons. Such as, some people are not actually experiencing a curse or bad juju but actually a psychosomatic condition in which they are convinced they are crossed when in fact they are experiencing a mental illness or mind tricks or a physical symptom of an underlying medical condition. I have had clients come to me in which everything in their life seems to have gone terribly wrong only to discover that the individual isn't cursed but really suffers from OCD. I once had a client who was convinced that a black magick witch was sending evil spirits to her to invade her body, when in fact, she was neglecting her doctors orders to have surgery performed to remove ovarian cysts that were causing pains and other issues. :/ This is not to say that it's always a real case of hypochondria, OCD, or a delusional disorder, or a medical condition with clients who feel they are cursed. In fact, there are many folks that are experiencing the Evil Eye, which can give symptoms of distress, feeling tired, string of seemingly bad luck, misfortunes, chronic illnesses, anxiety attacks, abnormal pale coloring, headaches, etc. but a trip to the physician shows a clean bill of health. The Evil Eye is not an intentionally thrown curse at the victim, it's manifested in victims in which a jealous individual or family member throws out the negative thoughts, jealousy, and envious energies to them. The Green Eyed Monster, so to speak, attacks! Things like having an Egg cleansing or bathing in Eucalyptus leaves can relieve the victim of the Evil Eye, as well as regular cleansing and protection methods on a regular basis. Therefore, when dealing with a potential case of a cursed or crossed client, there are carried out protocols to be put into place and cautions to proceed with throughout the entire case. First thing, inform them of the various situations that need to be evaluated such as
  • family history of health- any history of mental illness that would contribute to the belief they are dealing with a curse
  • current physical health- regular check ups, are they diagnosed with any anxiety disorders, on any medicines, how is their diet and nutrition, etc.
  • family history of magickal or spiritual traditions- any history of family members practicing or feeding spirits that might have an affect on the client. For instance, I had a client who found out that her sister in law was a practicing magician trained to lay tricks via feeding her victims foods with powders she made in order to keep them from succeeding in every way possible from love life to their careers
  • their place of dwelling-this may seem strange to some, but this is something that in my own experience that has played an important role in one clients situation who was in fact at one time thrown a curse, but she had done an uncrossing ritual, which cleared up her symptoms. She began having symptoms again, and no matter how many readings I gave her, my cards never could point to anyone giving her the Evil Eye, a curse or any thing of the sorts. It was later that I found out she lived in a house that was nearly 80 years old, had black mold growing in it, and some painters came in to fix it, but instead of replacing the drywall, they painted over it, disturbing the spores, and she began having symptoms where she was chronically ill and had multiple anxiety attacks. No amount of uncrossing, Evil Eye protections, or St. Michael's work helped her. It so happened that one day her brother came to visit her and got sick. When he realized it was from the black mold, he informed her that her painters did a shoddy job on the repair of the drywall and she needed to have it completely torn out and replaced. So she did just that. And she was cured of her "curse". 
Now, once you have broken through the barriers and protocols and these circumstances have been discussed and cleared, proceed with caution through the next phases. Just as the last example of the lady who lived in the 80 year old house, people can be very vulnerable and so distraught from the initial experience of being cursed and living a life of hell for so long with the the crossed condition, the line drawn between what is the effect from a curse and what is "just life", can become fuzzy to them. For instance, you have a client who comes to you who is experience a run of bad luck with money situations and jobs. He is convinced that someone hoodooed him or someone in his family is jealous of his past success. You find that his fear is correct by doing a tarot reading for him. So you advise him to start with a spiritual cleansing with some hyssop to cleanse his spirit of any possible sin he might have committed towards someone or has a bad rap sheet in which Spirit is making him pay the piper, then proceed with a series of uncrossing baths for 13 days, burn uncrossing candles, cleanse the house, or whatever the plan designed to cure the client is, etc. Suddenly midway through the 13 days of uncrossing and cleansing, he comes to you and complains that this girl he was trying to hook up with has suddenly stopped returning his text messages, and his 75 year old father just had a heart attack. Now he's questioning whether or not this curse is affecting his life from all angles. OK, so you stop him right there. You tell him, lets not put that thought out there, don't invoke it. Keep focused on the original intent to remove the curse of your money. Life happens at a constant and persistent rate. Keep him positive and moving forward. Let him know that if he brings to the surface these negative thoughts he is back tracking in his work, bringing negative energy to his cleansing work. This man is in a vulnerable state of mind, as you must already know, men are workers and providers, a man who isn't working and being productive, takes a huge blow to the ego because men are conditioned to feel adequate when they can provide and be productive. Now, since he is in a vulnerable state, he's not thinking clearly that this woman he's trying to hook up with is most likely busy and will return his text messages in a day or so, and his 75 year old father is, well, 75 years old, he might have undiagnosed medical issues. No, clearly he's not thinking logical and practical at the moment. He's not "grounded". A hex and the Evil Eye can make you feel out of sorts, irrational, emotional, vulnerable, out of control, and not balanced or grounded. My job is to put things back into perspective for the client. To be their rational mind and help bring them back down to earth, keep them focused. So, cautioned steps, pay attention to the surrounding environment, don't overreact and feed into a vulnerable clients situation. Not every bad experience in our life is a result of being crossed or given the Evil Eye. Recognize what is, and what isn't. Many people can fall victim to their own delusions, fears, and superstitions. Not every bad experience in our life is a result of being crossed, period. If you can find reason in the cause and effect, you will find the real solution to the problem. If you are suddenly from nowhere getting phone calls in regard to your son is being arrested, your husband got fired, or whatever, take a look at why these things have happened, is your son guilty, in the place at the wrong time, and your husband, why did he get fired? People should own up and take responsibility of their actions, magick isn't a cure all for every situation. A few weeks ago I posted a blog on why magickal work is unsuccessful. This goes along with that post, if the solution is to get off your butt and look for an answer to the problem, don't expect some magickal ritual to hand it to you on a platter. Magickal work takes WORK. Work and responsibility on your behalf.

Tips and suggestions for curses:
There are so many ways to handle these cases. I will provide a few suggestions.
First, look back over the many ideas and formulas in other posts on how to do spiritual cleansings and protection. Combine those ideas with uncrossing or Evil Eye removal techniques.

Evil Eye Removal:
  • Egg cleansing baths- bathe in fresh eggs, salt, eucalyptus leaves, and rue
  • Egg rolling and absorbing (Limpia)- Take a fresh egg, write your full name on it, anoint it with an uncrossing or cleansing or holy oil (optional), start at the head and roll it over the face and entire body in a downward direction. Then break the egg into a glass of water that is half full. Observe any signs. (You can message me for reading these for you). If you do not want to read the signs you can break the egg on a tree trunk asking the tree to take that negative energy absorbed from you and release it to be transformed. Another option is to break it over a toilet and flush it. 
  • Bathe in a holy water or florida water
  • Use Van Van, Spiritual Cleansing, 13 Herb, or other washes and cleansing herbs in your bath or on candles.
Curse or Jinx Removal:
These are some rough ideas to begin an uncrossing. Any of these elements can be taken and put into a ritual designed to remove a curse. If all else fails, seek out a root worker to help you put together a plan. In some cases, it might be necessary to hire a root worker or healer to do a hands on removal of the curse on you or your house. There are some Catholic Priests still today that make house visits to help clean and bless homes as well. As a good friend always tells folks "Where an image of Jesus dwells, evil can not". 
  • First tried and true way is find the trick laid for you and destroy it but if this cannot be done...
  • Begin a series of baths (like 13 herb bath taken for 13 consecutive days) that include spiritual cleansing and some hyssop herb
  •  After baths anoint yourself with protection oil, use an uncrossing candle or protective spirit candle with a petition, a piece of personal item like your hair or nail cutting inside the candle to burn in the house or on an altar
  • Sprinkle the self with holy water
  • Incorporate Psalms such as 15, 29, 34, 37, 40, 88, and 104
  • Candles anointed with uncrossing oils such as Uncrossing, Jinx Killer, or Reversal double action
  • Petition protective spirits and angels such as God, St. Michael the archangel, Jesus, you ancestors, or specialized saints for particular cases
  • Cleanse the house with the same candles, oils, and formulas, or Chinese wash, van van, or a mixture of ammonia, lemons, and uncrossing or cleansing herbs for floor washing regularly
  • Smoke yourself and the house with incense after each bath and floor wash. Use sage, three kings, or an uncrossing incense
  • Avoid accepting foods or items from potential negative evil doers to not be reinfected
If you need assistance, ask a root worker for guidance. A root worker will be able to set up a plan of action to tackle the problem. Once you have put in place this plan, start making plans to keep yourself protected and cleansed on a regular upkeep maintenance. Sometimes the attacker comes back. In those cases, a binding or even a reversal can be done. Binding your opponent will keep them from doing harm again to you. Reversal magick is to reverse the curse back to the perp. These are usually done at the time of uncrossing work simultaneously. Afterwards, I always encourage clients to keep up with protection work. You can read some of my other posts for ideas on protection from rituals, saints work, to worn jewelry and amulets hung in the home.
Good luck!
Love and Light
Mama V