
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Seeing results of your work? Why the hell not?

So, here you have this great work that you have decided to work on with a little magick. It's been a month and nothing, maybe just a little movement, but possibly not enough to actually cause any real changes in your situation. So, the question arises, as it often does, "Why am I not seeing any results? How do I make it go faster? What am I doing wrong?". Well, for starters, after a month of work, take a step back, reevaluate what work is being done and what reactions are you seeing from your target? Is he or she resisting the hot energy applied to them? Some people will feel new influences or be given signs from the universe as a result of your work being done to them, but yet, that will scare them into resisting, running, hiding, or acting out in negative ways. Ever have a spell go horribly wrong and back fire on your ass? You do a little love me work, then the next thing you know he stops returning your texts or phone calls. Most likely he is hit with these rush of new ideas and feelings out of nowhere, and tuck tails and hides. Not always the case, but it does happen. Are you doing anything wrong? Probably not, except possibly not paying attention to the signs because you are too busy looking for the exact reaction you want. Could that reaction you are lusting after be a little too unrealistic? Actually, yes, because sometimes we obsess over a certain result that we will not be able to achieve for particular reasons, such as, having a man that is incapable of love for whatever reason within him or maybe you have dealt with the crazy situation for so long that you are so fed up and ready for a change in his behavior, but again can your work be 100 % successful, is he capable of love and giving himself entirely to you? You can influence him, bring him closer, however the root of the problem needs to be eliminated or solved before having any real life long changes in his feelings towards you. We can't change personalities, but we can influence behavior changes, thoughts, and the like. We can create moments of contact with the energies if all the conditions are just ripe and set up correctly. For instance, if you need a job, and you have been applying to jobs with no luck in getting a phone call for an interview, you start up your lights and spell work, suddenly you have interviewed with 5 companies and yet there is only 1 company that is just perfect for you. What did you notice about the interviewer or the conditions around the company that parallel your life right at this moment? Hon into that 1 company, not letting the others slide by though, and work on that one company to get that second interview, sweeten up the interviewer with honey on a inscribed candle.
Once you have decided that the effort is worth it, set boundaries and limits, and a clear goal, however be slightly flexible for new obstacles that weren't visible before that could come up and have to be dealt with. Once you have made the commitment to do the work, set yourself a reasonable timeline, how long will you keep up work on him and wait for results? Also, take into consideration, that it is possible that the only time you see a different person in him is when you work on him. If he is only giving and loving and cooperative when you do sweetening on him, but he stops being a loving man towards you, and pulls back away after you discontinue your magickal work on him, that's a clear indicator that you have to make the choice, is it worth it, do I keep working on him every so often or do I toss the chips in and fold? Again, not always the case, and I know clients hate hearing me say it, but it's truer than true, sometimes the only time you will get a rise out that man is when you are working the mojo over on him. I think about the stories of Voodoo Priestess Marie Laveuax who had the same female client coming to her for over 10 years, every so often to redo a mojo on her man. Never did she figure out that the only time she got a response out of that man is when Marie Laveuax was working a mojo on him. Sometimes that's all a person can see is the top surface, the magick being done and that it will bring results, but they don't see that the only results they see only come when they do a spell. This is what attracts the inexperienced magician to working spell work, time and time again, hiring worker after worker to work on the man, and then wonder why the spells stop working, or don't work at all. It's not that the workers are not good workers, it may very well be, that he is resisting, and when you don't do follow up work that might be necessary, you stop seeing results. Love work is the hardest work to achieve sometimes. Can you make it go faster? Yes and No. If the spell work is going to work at all, the best thing to do is find out what works best on the situation. Once you hit the spot, turn up the heat, by either working it daily, ask a spirit or saint to help you out, or apply some special oils and herbs to help speed up the work. Stimulating herbs like cinnamon and ginger are great for this. So is fast luck oil and St. Expedite.
A question I get from almost every customer: When will I see results? Well, that depends on so many things. A: Is your target resisting the pulls, tugs, and influences.
B: How many obstacles are you fighting through and will you see new obstacles arise.
C: Are you impatient and demanding a make up with the ex you are trying to reconcile with or are you willing to take the necessary steps to making some changes to being less suspicious, neurotic, controlling, and all the other crazy mad woman behaviors that led you to the break up in the first place (harsh I know... lol)
D: Who else is involved in the situation, busy bodies, gossipers, jealousy, in laws, ex's, etc. etc.
E: Who knows about your spell work you are planning? This should be kept private, because even the best of friends can interfere with your mojo due to jealousy or doubt.
F: Are you lusting after a result so much that you are ignoring the signs, causing you to confuse yourself and the spirits by changing directions in the spell or adding unnecessary things to a spell in progress? When you lust a result, you are no longer focused on how you are getting there, which can not be controlled. I can drive my car from point A to B, safely, but I can not control how others drive on the road. I can pay attention to my surroundings and to the best of my ability avoid idiot drivers and possible accidents. 
Should any of these things become a problem, it's one more step to take care of, which would delay the result or block it all together. So you see the multilayers of existence in magick and the universe? The more people involved in your work, the more to deal with. Magick and spell work is much deeper than working candles, if you read my blog on what magick is, you will see what I am referring to. :D
Love and Light