
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cleanliness is Godliness

Cleanliness. The first thing I do when I wake up, is clean, the last thing I do when I shut out the lights is clean. I frequently joke about having OCD, or germaphobia, but truth be told, smells dictate my moods the moment I walk in my house. I remember my grandmother was sensitive to smells, and well, I am too... It can be frustrating. I have to keep a clean house, sure with daily living it gets cluttered, but the end of the day, things have a place and an order. I feel heavy energy weighing on my back if the house is out of order and the floors haven't been swept daily. Man, if I know someone is coming over, I make sure my tables are clean, the seats for them to sit on are clean and the house smells fresh and welcoming. That's just how I am, I want things beautiful and fresh, and my guests in my home deserve the same. A dirty house, makes my mood shift into big attitude and frustration... lol. We have hardwood floors and tile floors, because carpet keeps in smells, dirt, dust, and allergens. None of which go over well with myself or my husband who is allergic to just about anything that flies through the air! lol. Well, for me as a root worker, my shop is cleaned and straightened daily, my altars are always looked over three times a day if not more if I am real active that day with working for clients. I have wrote on this before, and I will say it time and time again, cleaning and clearing regularly your work spaces, under and on top is important. I have seen some work spaces that are beautiful, but the areas around the spaces are so un-kept that if it were MY place, my mind, spirit would be affected and joggled, unfocused, because of the background distractions! LORDY! I mean seriously, think about it, think about the energies kept around in old piled up areas of your space. Everything has energy, some of that energy is invading, leaks out to other areas of the room, including the smells! I watched a video on youtube one time, it was a video on how to cleanse a vigil novena and their work space was a great presentation, but I will tell you, my eyes were drawn to the background piles of clothes, books, and just stuff, unidentifiable stuff! I say to you, please, for the love of cleanliness, clean your shit up! I would be absolutely horrified to know and see that if someone was doing work for me, which on occasion, I actually do go to other workers for personal things, that I need help with cause well, sometimes a human can't handle everything, we have limits you know, and if I walked into a house where it is un-kept, I would really begin to wonder, if that worker was able to keep their work organized and clean, when they don't keep a simple house hold chore up. Hate me if you want on this, but I am getting older, and I have three children, 18, 16, and 6. Every one of them have chores, and they know if Mama comes in and the floor hasn't been swept and their stuff cleaned up, they are going to get the look, and they might even get a computer pulled out of the wall for the day. :) Oh I can hear someone in the kitchen right now, doing the dishes, ah, my children can be sooo well behaved. :) No adult alive can say my kids are not irresponsible or misbehaved. I say that is because they are scared of their mama. :D I was raised in a clean home, my grandmother lived with us, she did most of the chores while my mother worked nights (mom cleaned too, but grandmother was always cleaning, lol). My grandmother had always kept the kitchen clean, and oh no don't even think about dirtying up a dish. When she cooked, she cleaned right behind herself, something that I learned to do as well. The last thing I want to do after I eat dinner, is clean! So I clean right as I am done cooking in a dish. Point being though, is when you "clean house" and I mean spiritually, make sure you clean your space, your home, your businesses, all of it! Phew load off my mind... lol.

Here's a quick recipe I just told my sister the other night that she needed to do.
A capfull of Ammonia
Splash of Salt (any kind is fine, but epsom and kosher are my favs)
Sprigs of Basil
some florida water (i gave her a big bottle last time I was in KY)
put them in your hot bath
wash downwards
Pray to God for a clean, peaceful, and re-energized spirit
Step out, air dry and dress in lighter colored clothes.

There are many ways to clean house and clean the spirit.
I know I have put some recipes out there, here's a few more though.
I like to work with basic ingredients, and lighter numbers, to keep the work simple. Taking on new ideas, hustle and bustle of life, sometimes it's time to get back to the tested and tried, never wavering basics.
For the house: In hot water bucket and mop
Bluing (laundry bluing)

2.Rain water

3. Borax

For baths:
1. Bluing (laundry bluing)
Rain water

2. Eggs

3. Ammonia

Of course any time you bath for cleansing, wash downwards, use a prayer, and visualize a clean and pure spirit. These can be done at sundown, and the water you saved, throw to the west setting sun.

Mop water throw in the west at the setting sun as well. :)