
Friday, February 27, 2015

Hoodoo Sugar Scrubs! Magick is only skin deep?

 What girl doesn't love bath and beauty products to add to their daily beauty regime?
How about a little magick to that beauty regime? This girl is a sucker for beauty and spa treatments, especially organic and homemade ones. I like to act tough, but deep down, I am a beauty queen pamper addict. We only get one chance to love and pamper ourselves and our bodily temples. I like to spoil the shit out of my skin. I use to sunbathe regularly growing up, being a beach babe, sun worshiper, and oh how many tanning beds I have laid in... Not any more. Although I am a sun worshiper, but my skin isn't! Lol. This year I turned the big 4.0. And although for years I have wanted to start a beauty line, I had other focuses in mind as you guys have seen, but I did do some early trials of making lotions and spiritual soaps from goats milk and shea butter, etc. It just didn't stick, and I burned out fast on it. I knew there would come a time that I would draw attention back to this area and turning 40 this year, seriously kicked me in the ass one day when I thought "WOW, I do take care of myself but time can not be stopped, and who knows when our health will start to take a toll on us". In fact, last year, I disappeared for a long while due to some health and digestive issues that literally resulted in me losing a lot of my hair. As soon as I realized it was becoming an issue and the fear of losing ALL of it, I kicked my beauty regime up a notch or two and set in a routine of not only nourishing my insides with daily doses of herbal and vitamin treatments but hair masks that I made myself along with some advice from my awesome girlfriends. Not to long after, the anxiety subsided and I started seeing massive improvements in my hair's condition. But while I was doing all this hair pampering I started adding more facial treatments and body moisturizers to my daily routine, and especially during this ridiculous winter weather we are having here in the mountains, my skin dries fast and it's already sensitive as hell, so it only made sense that my focus was turning towards developing some products to share with others that have greatly helped my dry skin! Lol.

I love love love Sea Salt scrubs, have used them for years, but recently I came to enjoy some Sugar Scrub samples that a friend gave me. I was hesitant on using them, thinking"EWWWW what a sticky ass mess, hell NO, not touching it"! Errr... Well, insert foot into oral orifice and shut the hell up, Girl...
Now I have a new fetish, muwhahahahhaa! And it's gets even sweeter, Baby. (Pun intended, yes I am the asshole cheeseball... *big stupid grin on V's face*) Magickal infused Body Sugar Scrubs! YAY!
Lol. Time to spoil your temple, people... Every act, every daily ritual, should have magickal purpose. Makes sense to me...
So, I whipped up a bunch of batches of Sugar Scrubs all that have some skin benefits, but magickal benefits as well. Two birds, one stone, right? Magick comes from within ourselves. Our soul is captured in these beautiful temples we call our bodies. So, I see no reason why we can't be working a little magick in our lives, while cleansing our temple, and attracting the good things in life. This is how I approach any spiritual soap or baths on the markets. Sugar Scrubs only make sense while combining the process of scrubbing off the impurities we collect daily, sweetening up our skins with sugar which is a popular agent in hoodoo work to make us sweet enough to attract the pleasures we adore in life, and add a little magick to it and you got a serious awesome easy to do ritual practice going on weekly, without effort. Seriously. 

With that said, here's some classic Hoodoo formulas whipped up in good Ol' homemade Sugar Scrubs. A few formulas that I will be offering are:

Road Opener
Come To Me
Money Drawing
Follow Me Boy
Female Domination
Love Me
Hot Sex Appeal
Kiss Me Now
Steady Work
Crown of Success
King Solomon The Wise
Spiritual Cleansing
Cleo May

And I can promise you, this is not all this conjuring woman has up her sleeves! This is a big year of change and growth for all of us. So get off yer ass' and get your mojo goin' people!

You can purchase these directly on the Website. They come in 4 oz glass jars. The ingredients and options are listed for you.