
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Changes and Mountain goat wannabes

New name is active and new website is also active. is being redirected to If you have trouble with it, contact me

In other news, new bath, floor wash bottles are in stock, and new size for oils are available now as well. Photos coming available in time. Orders are now on track and on time, I apologize for the backed up issues. I needed to work out new supplier locations with the move, set up an efficient system of mail outs and work out address issues with the post office and other new suppliers that didn't recognize our new address as verified through the post office. Phew, hopefully all is in the clear. New projects that were discussed in the last few newsletters are in active pursuit now as well. So expect to hear about some awesome opportunities next year after the new year for all you magickal folk out there. ;) Coming soon will be some photos of the new place and our little farm animals! Whoa. V is on a farm. This city girl is not sure what to do with all that! The comfort of the mountain top air, fresh mountain spring water, and hundreds of acres nature and woods that surround me will get me through! Lol.