
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Subconsciously Undoing Your Work/Back Peddling

I can not stress it enough: When you are doing magickal work, spell work, invocations, or spirit work, wait for it, wait for the spirits to do their job.
When I take a new case, I try to warn the client that obsession and worry will interfere with a job well done. Obsession and worry lead to creating more of a mess to clean up. Then you get the "expecting a certain result at a certain moment" followed by "why isn't my spell working" and "my spell is not working fast enough" or "I need to add more or less candles to the work", until you have spiraled out of mindless control, completely dismissing and disrespecting your original work in the first place and possibly undoing all the hard work you put into your spell. Sigh... Ok, so let's stop, breathe deeply, close our eyes, and think about what you were warned, what the cards told you, and what your root worker told you. Let me use cooking as an analogy here for a moment. You have your recipe, the ingredients, and you put them together to cook a nice meal for yourself and friends or family. Let's say you are cooking a rice dish. My rice cooker takes 25 minutes from start to finish. If I turn the cooker off before 25 minutes, the rice comes out uncooked. I have no choice but to wait for the rice to become fully cooked and the rice cooker to shut off. If I open the lid of the cooker before it's ready, it creates a leaky mess in which I have to clean up under and around, and down the sides of the cooker. All of this fidgety, impatient "is it done yet" doesn't make the cooker cook any faster, it only makes me more anxious waiting for the rice to get done, and now adding to my list of to-do's for clean up during or after cooking the rice. Of course, I do have OCD, personally, and to others maybe the rice cooker leaking and making a nice sticky mess on your counter doesn't bother you, but I hope you get the point. Being that, when you are doing magickal work, don't add to your issues, the original issues that is. If you are doing love work such as come to me, because you want him to get closer to you and express all of his desires and lust for you, and you pick a fight with him, or begin nagging and questioning him why he doesn't answer your call, or why he can't spend more time with you, you are defeating the purpose of the love work and adding insult to injury. When working reconciliation work, you are reconciling with your loved one, wiping the slate clean, starting new and fresh. What got you to the point of needing reconciliation work done in the first place? The nagging, the suspicion, the accusations, and assumptions that you place on your target two days after starting reconciliation work, yes will certainly place you in a no win situation where you wonder why your spell doesn't work. Holy cow...Bigger Sigh. Yes, I have had these types of cases before, and well, let me say that reconciliation work is more than a spell. You literally are asking to wipe the slate clean, to forgive and start fresh. WHY on earth would you go back to doing the same ol' behaviors that got you in this mess to begin with? You technically shouldn't. So, I say to you, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and think carefully about what your root worker advises you. Patience, persistence, strength, and believe in your work.
Ok, so there you have it, lovelies, a rant by yours truly, or a lesson learned, which ever you like to take it. :D