
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Seeker of Knowledge and Understanding

Of course I know I do not need to answer to a human soul my purpose in life, but this keeps coming to my attention so, as much as I am against entertaining the little minds, here we go, just to get this out in the open in case there is any other questions and confusions.

An Occultist is a person who studies the Occult, from the scientific to the mystical points of all occult forms of spirituality and religions. I am an Occultist.

Mysticism is defined = "The term ‘mysticism,’ comes from the Greek μυω, meaning “to conceal.” In the Hellenistic world, ‘mystical’ referred to “secret” religious rituals. In early Christianity the term came to refer to “hidden” allegorical interpretations of Scriptures and to hidden presences, such as that of Jesus at the Eucharist. Only later did the term begin to denote “mystical theology,” that included direct experience of the divine (See Bouyer, 1981). Typically, mystics, theistic or not, see their mystical experience as part of a larger undertaking aimed at human transformation (See, for example, Teresa of Avila, Life, Chapter 19) and not as the terminus of their efforts. Thus, in general, ‘mysticism’ would best be thought of as a constellation of distinctive practices, discourses, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences aimed at human transformation, variously defined in different traditions. Under the influence of William James' The Varieties of Religious Experience, heavily centered on people's conversion experiences, most philosophers' interest in mysticism has been in distinctive, allegedly knowledge-granting “mystical experiences.” Philosophers have focused on such topics as the classification of mystical experiences, their nature in different religions and mystical traditions, to what extent mystical experiences are conditioned by a mystic's language and culture, and whether mystical experiences furnish evidence for the truth of their contents. Some philosophers have begun to question the emphasis on experience in favor of examining the entire mystical complex (See Jantzen, 1994 and 1995, and section 9 below, and Turner, 1996). Since this article pertains to mysticism and philosophy, it will concentrate chiefly on topics philosophers have discussed concerning mystical experience."~ The rest can catch you up here:

Now, I also study mysticism. Occult and mystic mysteries can include Christianity branches of all lineages to African and Asian religions and everything in between.
I am a Spiritual person, always have been since I can remember at the age of around 11 or 12. For the occultist mind, there is no knowledge out there that is untouchable. The mysteries in the world are available to us all at any point in our life. IS this wrong to be a seeker of knowledge and understanding? No. For the ones who are shut off and led as sheep with blind faith, yes. That is too bad for them, to not be able to be a free thinker, and have a philosophical way of thinking about the world and the self. To seek knowledge and understanding and use what nature gave us, a brain, and the ability to utilize and connect with all creatures and cultures of the world; how is this anything BUT right and natural?  Every culture has their own understanding and secrets of the world defined. In essence, it is but all the same answer to the mysteries of the universe and the mysteries of the human soul. What is different are the practices, the beliefs vary slightly, but in essence, they have the same message. The universe is but a melting pot of cultures, not one is better than the other, to think otherwise is to be a righteous narcissistic being. This is not me, anyone who knows me and has known me, knows what I am, a compassionate, loving, protecting soul. Nothing more, nothing less. I do what is necessary to fulfill these duties of mine, to love and to protect those dear to me. To teach the same to all my clients who come to me as well. I don't preach that I know everything nor am I a guru. Of course not, in life we learn till our Death. I don't deny that I know my stuff well, and I understand the human soul and mind more than majority of those in the human race WHO ARE ASLEEP. Anyone can work hard like I have to fine tune these skills of "understanding". I can tell you that I was taught very well from my family to pay close attention to what my gut instinct says about someone when I meet them. People are easy to figure out, they repeat the same patterns that most people do that I have met in previous times. People are predictable when you have studied psychology and philosophy as long as I have. It was always my interest as a young teenager to study these things that make a person tick, what drives the human soul, the human ego, and their actions. I have met and counseled many people in life to be free from what bonds their souls. And I have raised three great children to pay attention to what they feel, believe what they feel, trust their instincts, don't follow, but lead, be an individual, think and know for themselves what is real, who is loyal, who is faithful, who loves them unconditionally, who raises them up, not brings them down, these are the things in life that are important. They will each find one day their purpose in life, and they will have my support 100%, as long as they are happy individuals, not abusive, uphold their morals to treating everyone the best they can. I trust that they will. I will not belittle my children, tell them not to be happy, or abandon their emotional needs like some parents have done. The damage can not be undone for many abused children and adults, especially when the abuse continues into adulthood. Like I have said before, my success in life is my proof. I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear, I have done no wrong. I only wish for others to leave people in life to live and express how they need to. We are free to make our choices in life, how we choose fit, whether it is our lifestyle, our beliefs, our actions, it's our choice, we are free. There will always be others who are afraid of the truth and feel threatened by your happiness and content that they will try to turn the coin on you and bring you down. Take the opportunity to rise above their pitiful attempts.