
Dressing & Loading Candles

Dressing and Loading Novena, Figure, Jumbo, Chime, Votive, or Taper Candles

     Dressing, fixing, blessing, and loading candles are done with oils, powders, herbs, curios, inscriptions, petition papers, and prayers. There is more than one right way to fix a candle, whether it is a 7 day glass encased vigil novena candle or a plain taper candle. It depends on the work you are doing, the purpose of the candle or ritual. Here are some simple basics to get you started with developing your own style and techniques. Pick up a copy of Henri Gamache’s “Master Book of Candle Burning”, and become familiar with working with candles. There are many good books on candle burning, but I personally prefer this book as a good ground cover to build upon. Develop your own technique and rhythm magically in working with candles, soon enough it will become part of your routine and like second nature. Use your creativity and instincts when working with candles, you will be amazed at how simple a candle burning is but how powerful the invocation will be to manifest the things in your life that you need.
Dressing or Fixing a candle- Inscribe, anoint it with oils, powders, herbs, and curios.
Loading a candle- Making a hole in the candle and filling the hole with powders, papers, herbs, and curios.
     If you buy 7, 9, or 14 day Novenas at a local grocery store or botanica and it has not been loaded or dressed for you already, you should first clean it thoroughly with a spiritual cleanser such as Florida Water, Chinese Wash, or Holy Water. After purchasing an unblessed, undressed candle, sprinkle the cleaner on the candle while focusing on the spiritual gunk removed from it. Let it dry a minute.
     On top of the wax around the wick you may either inscribe with a sharp needle, nail, quill, or some other utensil that you use for inscribing or scratching into the wax of candles, the name of the target, or simply an equal arm cross to represent the 4 cardinal points and elements that you call upon to aid you in your work. You may inscribe small sigils or symbols in the wax as well.
     Next, you want to write out any petition papers or name papers to attach to the outside of the glass or on the bottom, out of sight. Some workers like to paint sigils, names, or specific pictures to the candle as well. At this point it is time to dress it with oils, powders, and/or curios. For the top of the wax, take a long screw driver or hand held knife sharpener and poke three holes in the wax around the outside of the wick to form a triangle. In these holes, you may put tiny amounts of your herbs and curios (aka loading the candle). On top of the wax, add a few drops of ritual oil and/or powder. Use a small paint brush or stick to draw a cross with the oils across the wax if you wish. If you attached a photo or name paper or drew on your candle, anoint it with the hoodoo condition oil with a cross or a 5 point anointing.
    Your candle is ready to light and prayers said over the candle. Once you light the candle state your prayers and let the candle burn continuously. If you must leave the candle and you want to extinguish it and relight it at another time, snuff it out with a candle snuffer. Never blow out candles during a working unless the ritual calls for it. If your flame is too high and creates a lot of black smoke, trim the wick for a better and even burn. Learning to read the candles, aka ceromancy, will become a part of your work as well.
     Working with figure or regular candles such as jumbo 9 inch candles, male figure or female figure candles, and tapers are very similar to glass enclosed candles. To dress these candles, first inscribe the candle with your targets name/s and prayer. If it is for uncrossing or reversing, write the petition in a mirrored reversed direction. After the inscription on the candle, you can load the candle with herbs and curios, and/or oil the candle with a good quality hoodoo ritual oil appropriate to your work. 
     If you are using oils to draw in energies you have two options here either rub the oil on the candle from top of candle towards the center and down towards you as if drawing them in from the heavens or showering you with good blessings. OR start at the bottom of the candle and draw the energies up into it such as taking a hoodoo bath for bringing in blessings where you will start at the feet and bring in good blessings.
     And the same for cleansings and uncrossings, you may either choose to rub the oil the opposite direction away from you if you are cleansing, uncrossing, or banishing holding the bottom of the candle and pushing the energy away, or starting at the top or head of the candle and stroke it down away from you to remove the unwanted energies. Are you confused yet? lol! I hope NOT!
      Next, write out your petition paper or name paper if you are working with any and set it with your candle, it will need to be under your candle holder or under your figure candle, however, be sure to keep an eye on it when the candle burns down so it does not catch on fire. NOTE: It is sometimes preferred to skip writing a petition paper and just write it on the candle if there is space OR while lighting your candle pray for your intentions directly to the spirits while incense is being burned to carry your prayers to the spirit realm.
     Now you are ready to light the candle and speak your prayers of choice. If you are performing a spell where it requires multiple days to burn your candle, snuff it out with a candle snuffer. Never blow out candles unless the ritual calls for it. Sometimes the ritual will require to be extinguished in graveyard dirt, toilet, or some other method, otherwise, snuff out the candle.
    If your flame is too high and creates a lot of black smoke, trim the wick for a better and even burn. Learning to read the candles, aka ceromancy, will become a part of your work as well.
     The remains of the candles, whether they are glass or figure candles, depends on the intent are disposed of in places like the crossroads with thanks to the spirits, graveyards, churches, banks, running water, tree hollows, the ocean, or the target’s property. Love candles can be left at a holy place such as a church or chapel, unless the ritual specifically says where to place all the remaining wax. Uncrossing and cleansing work can be disposed at a crossroads or running water. Money candles can be disposed at crossroads or banks, again unless the ritual says where to put the remains. Glass candles in these situations are difficult sometimes to dispose of in public places. In a situation like this, I prefer to either recycle the glass for more candles for the work or clean out remains and take the remains to dispose of and recycle the glass if you have recycling.