
Psalms & Prayers

In traditional Hoodoo the Psalms and other Prayers are used for powerful invocations for many different circumstances. They are used in either candle burnings, spells, or even used when praying over concoctions of oils. Below is a list of Psalms and Prayers, however this list is by far NOT an exhausted list.
Psalms as according to traditional hoodoo magic.
4-Change unlucky patterns
5-To cleanse your business of possible blockages from evil
6- For safe travel at sea
7-Protection from enemies who try to cross you and used for court cases
8- Successful business transactions
10- Used to rid of demons from a person
11- Protection from evil and overcome fear
13- Protect the body from harm and unnatural death
14- Protection from enemies, slander and mistrust
16- To find a thief,Change sorrows to joy
17- For a safe travel
19- For a safe childbirth, and for guiding children to a successful life, and to drive out evil spirits
20- To avoid persecution and jail from a judge
22- For safe travel, especially at sea
23- Good luck, success, fortune, guiding visions and dreams
26- To release a prisoner from prison
28- Reconciliation with an enemy
29- To cast out evil and evil spirits
31- Protection from slander and gossipers
32- Used for reconciling with a friend or love, to gain love, respect
33- For protection of a newborn child to be recited before and during pregnancy
35- Protection from lawsuits
36- Protection from slander
37- Protection from enemies and slander and gossip/used to break crossed conditions or jinxes
38 & 39- Protection from slander and the law
40- To cast out evil spirits and protect yourself
41&43- To regain your spoiled reputation of a mistrusted business associate
45 & 46- Both used by husband. 45 is used over his own body with anointing olive oil. 46 oil and prayer is used over wife. Both are to cool an angry wife.
47- To be loved and respected by all
48- To protect from jealousy and envy
51- To be cleansed of sin
52- To reverse hurtful slander and deceitfulness
53- To quiet enemies and slander
54- To revenge the enemies from psalm 53
56- To help protect the self from committing a sinister act or habit
57- For success and fortune in all matter
60- For protection for the militant person
61- For blessing a new home
65- For success and fortune in all matters
69 & 70- To be freed of bad habits
70- For matters to be resolved quickly
71- To free a prisoner
85- To be reconciled with a former friend who has since become ill with you
89- To heal the sick quickly and free a prisoner
91- To release a prisoner, to rid of evil and demons in a person
94- Protection from enemies
96-98- For peace, joy and happiness in the home and family members
108- For successful Business
109- For revenging an enemy
112- For luck in money matters such as getting a new job, grant or loan
114- For success in Business
120- For protection from persecution from a judge
121- For safe travel
126- For a safe pregnancy and safety for children, to protect from the demon Lilith
127- For safety for newborn child and children
128- For safety for pregnant woman
132- For forgiveness for breaking your word or lying and to prevent from doing so again
133- To protect friendships and relationships and gain more friends
134- For students to be successful
138- To gain love and friendship
139- To hold onto loving marriage
140- To reconcile a marriage
141- To rid the self of fear